Being with Tapir Tooth at SPX was a blast! I got some pretty sweet swag including a Fancy Reginald and Beartato signed print, Three Fingers (which blew my face off with awesomeness), and some really fantastic mini comics.
I met up with some amazing people, and picked up their comics, including: Dan Strauss and Ryan Eggensperger's The Young Dissenter's Handbook, Katie McDermont and Kelsey Sunday's K.K. Freebird, Hypnospiral by M. Jacob Alvarez, funny parody Zelda comics and Hot Pot Vol 2, a super-cool Star Wars anthology, 33 Beasties by Drew Weing, Mimolette Bakery by Jen Weber, Birds in the Bushes by Zach Gaillongo, an inked sketch from Raina Telgemeier, and great mini comic by Alabaster. And it was great seeing Sophie Goldstein and meeting Tiny Ghost Stories!
It was my first time at SPX and it was a great con! Everyone was digging into the mini-comics and couldn't wait to read the latest Hark a Vagrant Book or check out Habibi (which is epic and amazing). So many great things to see and do.
Eating at the Chiptole across the street every day was icing on the cake. Can't wait for next year.
The next con I'll be at is the Halifax Zine Fair (part of the Halifax Pop Explosion), Oct 22nd.
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