After a little hiatus I'm back and posting again.
Most of this time was spent researching a producing the art for a new and exciting collaborative comic with Disgraced Productions' Robert Attenweiler. Because Robert is the writer, he describes the
story better than I ever could.
"Disgraced Comics is the new off-shoot of Disgraced Productions, offering original online visual dramatic storytelling. And in our first online comic, The Adventures of Max Quarterhorse, you will get to see the first-ever Independent Theater-to-comics crossover. The Adventures of Max Quarterhorse picks up where Disgraced Productions' 2008 play, All Kinds of Shifty Villains, leaves off. Private Investigator, Max Quarterhorse has just survived a case that has left his trusted assistant and most of his rogues gallery of villains dead. But one of the surviving villains wants to see a fallen comrade live again. And Portal-Face Pete, a mysterious newcomer on the scene, has his own schemes to execute, bringing him face-to-face with Max Quarterhorse.
The Adventures of Max Quarterhorse continues the darkly madcap take on film noir and crime fiction established in All Kind of Shifty Villains, but this time through the lens of Miriam Gibson's perfectly-suited visual style.
You'll have to see it to believe it - and you can only see it at disgracedproductions.com.
The Adventures of Max Quarterhorse will begin posting in August 2009."
Thanks Robert!
Above is sketch of Max himself and an unpolished part of the comic itself.
The Adventures of Max Quarterhorse will be up before you know it!
Love that top image. It reminds me of the Saul Steinberg drawing of a subway here